Around the Nest: R.P. Johnson ’25: An Inside Look into the World of Golf

Around the Nest: R.P. Johnson ’25: An Inside Look into the World of Golf

How hard work and dedication can further dreams.

by Lennox Franks '25

RP Johnson'25

RP Johnson '25

R.P. Johnson ’25 discovered his passion for golf at the age of eight, inspired by his father, C.O. Johnson, a devoted and lifelong golfer. Mr. Johnson, P’25’28 served as the golf team’s assistant coach from 2021 to 2023, contributing to the team’s three ESIAC Runner-Up finishes during that time. In addition to playing on Gunston’s varsity golf team beginning in ninth grade, R.P. also ran for the varsity cross country team this past year. 

According to R.P, “I take pleasure in playing golf because of the individual aspect of the sport. I appreciate that I am in control of everything that happens out on the golf course. I like that if I ever make a mistake, it is fully my fault and I am in charge of putting in the work to play and become better.” He continued, “I enjoy golf because of the flexibility of the sport. I can play in any weather, any season, and can go to the course to play whenever I want to practice my game and further my skill set.” 

R.P. has always found golf fascinating because of the mental aspect of the sport. He firmly believes one of the most fundamental components of success in golf is concentration. “You have to maintain intense concentration over every single shot for every hole. This requires you to be calm no matter the situation otherwise you could perform poorly and break your concentration, therefore ruining the shot. By remaining in a tranquil mental state and managing your emotions, you can control your own destiny and performance. At the end of the day, while having a refined skill set is a necessity to succeed, what is happening inside your head during a practice, match, etc. is equally as important.”  

One of the most difficult facets of becoming a high-level golfer while in high school is the call for a huge commitment to the sport. R.P. is proud of the progression he has made as a player with extreme versatility, but feels he is still not where he wants to be. Although he puts in many hours of practice every week, school comes first, which is hard to balance when placed on such a competitive level. Sacrifices are necessary. But, he knows what it takes to become great and is willing to put in the work to reach that status. 

“Two hours of golf every day is a necessity. This can include going to the range, working on pitching, chipping, and bunker shots, as well as playing on the course. To reiterate, consistency is key, and is what will help you achieve the greatest level of success.” Additionally, R.P. emphasizes that participation in as many tournaments as possible is paramount to achieving greatness. “It is especially hard to participate in tournaments during the school year due to time constraints/distance. However, during the summer you realistically should be competing in 2-4 every month. This helps you gain experience competing against other well-ranked players and assists with pressure you may face on the golf course as you progress.” Furthermore, these tournaments can help with building a resume for college coaches.

Fun Fact: On February 6th 1971, Astronaut Alan Shepard hit two golf balls on the moon with a makeshift six iron during the Apollo 14 mission.  

Since the beginning of R.P.'s golfing career, he has played in numerous leagues including the AJGA (American Junior Golf Association), U.S. Kids Golf, HJGT (Hurricane Junior Golf Tour), MAPGA Junior Tour (Mid-Atlantic Professional Golf Association), and most notably the PGA Junior League. Although his participation in the previously-mentioned organizations are no small feat and carry extreme prestige, what he values most is the impact he makes on those around him, specifically the younger players who turn to him for advice during some of these high pressure events. 

“I love educating others when it comes to golf,” he said. “I have experience in teaching kids how to play the game, along with assisting many individuals both older and younger who come to me for help. I want to be a role model for not only people who are interested in the sport of golf but for anyone who is looking to further their passions. Most importantly, I want to give back to the community that once assisted me in following my dreams and help when/wherever I am needed.”

One piece of advice R.P. asked me to share with anyone who is interested in the sport of golf is to never stop believing in yourself. Similar to any other sport, there will be ups and downs and you will have to work amongst the rough patches that inevitably come along. Nevertheless, it is the ability to fight through tough situations and difficult times that end up defining what type of player you become. Thank you so much to R.P. for his insight into the world of golf and sharing his background with the Gunston community at large! 

  • Class of 2025
  • RP Johnson
  • around the nest
  • golf