Mid-Shore College Fair & Financial Planning Evening set for October 21

Mid-Shore College Fair & Financial Planning Evening set for October 21
Mid-Shore College Fair October 21 2024

The Gunston School is pleased to announce the Mid-Shore College Fair and Financial Planning Evening on Monday, October 21 from 6-8 p.m. at Chesapeake College’s Health Professions and Athletics Center in Wye Mills, Md. This event is free and open to the public, however advanced registration is highly encouraged. Students will receive a barcode after registering, and colleges will scan it during the fair to receive the student’s contact information. 

Participants are encouraged to browse the college fair at their own pace and have the option to attend one of two sessions on the Financial Aid Process at 6:15 and 7:15 p.m., led by Associate Director of Student Financial Aid at Washington College, Cailean Leith. Mr. Leith  has worked in higher education financial aid at Washington College since 2006, and attended St. Mary’s College of Maryland where he received his B.A. in History.  

“We have more than 60 colleges and universities coming,” said Gunston’s Co-Director of College Guidance Emily Coffey. They include Alfred University, American University, Binghamton University, Bryant University, Cedar Crest College, Clarkson University, College of Charleston, Dickinson College, Drexel University, East Carolina University, Eckerd College, Elizabethtown College, Elon University, Florida Southern College, Florida Tech, Franklin & Marshall College, Goldey-Beacom College, Goucher College, Hampden-Sydney College, High Point University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Lafayette College, Lawrence University, Lees-McRae College, Lycoming College, Maine Maritime Academy, Marist College, McDaniel College, Miami University, Mount St. Mary's University, Muhlenberg College, Notre Dame of Maryland University, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Queens University of Charlotte, Randolph College, Roanoke College, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rollins College, Saint Joseph's University, Salisbury University, Salve Regina University, Seton Hall University, Shenandoah University, St. Bonaventure University, St. John's College, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Stevenson University, Susquehanna University, University of Delaware, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Pittsburgh, University of Rhode Island, University of Rochester, University of San Francisco, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Utah, Ursinus College, Utah State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Washington College, Widener University, Wilson College, Xavier University, and York College of Pennsylvania.

The Mid-Shore College Fair was made possible with support from the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. Students may register at https://app.strivescan.com/registration. Contact Gunston’s Directors of College Guidance with questions: Emily Coffey, ecoffey@gunston.org or 410-758-0620 ext 3101 and Tony D’Antonio, tdantonio@gunston.org or 410-758-0620 ext 3100.