Bring Your Own Device Program, System Requirements & Recommendations
Students of The Gunston School bring and use their own personal computing devices. Students have the opportunity to bring in a device that is personalized to meet their intellectual goals and creative growth. This level of individualization helps students develop technical fluency where they can become productive and responsible digital citizens on their device both inside and outside the classroom.
Requirements for the “Bring Your Own Device” program are simple and affordable. The most basic qualification for a device is that it has a Windows or Mac operating system. The majority of students own Macbooks with a fair majority of those in the sciences having Windows devices. With Macbook Pro’s being the most popular, yet most expensive device, the Macbook Air is an affordable alternative. Any big brands such as Dell, HP, Asus, or Lenovo for Windows devices are also options. Chromebooks are not recommended for use as they are highly limited in their potential. In addition, avoid devices that have a detachable or flexible keyboard, tablets or handhelds.
If you have any questions please reach out to the Director of Technology, Tom Chafey.