
Because Gunston recruits students from six counties in Maryland and two in Delaware, we are committed to helping families with transportation to and from campus. All buses are scheduled to arrive to school by 8:00 a.m., and leave campus by 4:30 p.m. after sports practices (so there is no need for a late bus!). We offer the following options:

Bus Transportation
Gunston has contracted with a local transportation company to make bus transportation available (cost varies by location) from the following areas:

  • Annapolis Mall
  • Annapolis area McDonald’s (Rt. 50 near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge)
  • Severna Park (Rt. 2 - YMCA)
  • Centreville
  • Chestertown
  • Easton
  • Kent Island (Park & Ride at Target in Stevensville)
  • Queenstown
  • Middletown, DE

Please contact Josh Breto, Director of Transportation with questions.

Once a family joins the Gunston community, you may contact the Director of Transportation for a list of families that carpool in your area.

Directions to The Gunston School