Joined by their families, students assembled in Gunston’s Field House for the ceremony which welcomed keynote speaker Jaelon Moaney.
National Honor Society
Each fall, membership to the National Honor Society is offered to those students who meet the required standards put forth by the national office in four areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. For the scholarship criterion, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 88 (B+) or higher. Students who meet this criterion are invited to submit a comprehensive resume that outlines their activities, achievements, leadership, and service. To evaluate a candidate on the national criterion of character, a student’s school records are reviewed, and each candidate selects four members of the faculty to provide their professional reflections on the candidate’s citizenship, leadership, activities, and personal conduct.
In a typical year, Gunston honors its inductees with a very special in-person ceremony with their families in attendance. To highlight the core values of NHS, four candles are lit by current members as the NHS president speaks about the meaning of each value. The NHS Secretary read each inductees’ accomplishments as they are called up one-by-one, to receive a certificate, pin, and rose, and to sign their names into the NHS registry. To make them official members of the society, current members pin the inductees with a pin bearing the NHS logo and the pledge is recited, led by the NHS President, the NHS advisor (Michael Kaylor), and the ceremony is concluded with high praise to the students for their accomplishments.
This year's ceremony will be delayed until such a time when it is deemed safe to have in-person large gatherings again, however, Gunston wishes to honor and celebrate 2020's inductees as much as we can, given the circumstances. Therefore, without further ado, here are this year's inductees!
The inductees are to be commended for their dedication and their success in maintaining the highest level of performance while navigating the challenges of attending school during the pandemic. We look forward to the time when we can share their accomplishments in person with their families and the school community.
The Gunston School is pleased to welcome 35 students to the National Honor Society. Joined by their families, students assembled in Gunston’s Field House for an in-person ceremony.
On Tuesday, April 20, The Gunston School inducted 34 students into the National Honor Society (NHS) as parents, faculty, and fellow NHS members watched. The outdoor ceremony was held near Gunston’s waterfront between two cherry trees in full bloom.
The Gunston School is pleased to welcome 34 students to the National Honor Society. Each fall, membership to NHS is offered to those students who meet the required standards put forth by the national office in four areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.